American Whiskey
American whiskey, often simply referred to as "whiskey" in the United States, is a rich and diverse category of distilled spirits that has deep roots in American history and culture. It comes in several distinct varieties, each with its own unique flavour profile and production methods. The most common types include Bourbon, Rye, Tennessee and Corn Whiskey.
American whiskey production is across the United States, with distinct regional variations. Kentucky, often referred to as the "Bourbon Capital of the World," is renowned for its bourbon production. Tennessee is famous for its Tennessee whiskey, and other states such as Indiana, New York, and Texas are also gaining recognition for their whiskey production.
American whiskey is a key ingredient in many classic cocktails, including the Old Fashioned, Manhattan, and Whiskey Sour. Its versatility in mixing makes it a favourite among bartenders and cocktail enthusiasts.
Some of the best selling American whisky is Maker's Mark, Michter's, Woodford Reserve, Jack Daniel's, WhistlePig and Jim Beam.
Experience the joy of buying American Whiskey in-store or online. We seamlessly combine the personal touch of in-store shopping in Hereford, Herefordshire with the convenience of online purchasing. Our exceptional staff are here to provide a top-notch service in both realms.