Kin Toffee Vodka 70cl
Kin Toffee Vodka 70cl
A deliciously smooth vodka, hand blended with rich caramel tones and finished with a subtle kick. Good times with great friends!
Key Facts
Brand: Kin
Bottle Size: 70cl
ABV: 20.4%
While we strive to offer comprehensive and precise information on our website, product details like vintages, bottle images, batch numbers and ABV’s are ever-changing.
If you are looking for a specific bottle requirement it is recommended that you verify with us before making a purchase.
Delivery Options
2-3 Working Day Service - £5.95 (Royal Mail)
1-2 Working Day Service - £7.95 (DPD)
Next Working Day Service (Order by 2pm) - £10.95 (DPD)
Saturday Delivery (Order by 2pm Friday) - £14.95 (DPD)
Orders are processed Monday - Friday