Neptune, God of The Rum
Turns out that Neptune is not only the god of the sea and anyone who thought so was proved completely wrong last year when we found out that he is also, evidently, the god of Rum. He’s even stamped his name across bottles of the good stuff to remind everyone and it’s certainly doing the trick.
But if we strip it back a bit and finish off the divine intervention ideas…this Rum is still seriously good. Its origins are in Barbados but its effects are all over the world with award recognition in America, China, Australia and more resulting in the impressive title of ‘The World’s Most Awarded Rum of 2018’. Last year Neptune Rum received north of 40 well-deserved awards with terms such as ‘outstanding’ and ‘exceptional’ probably making their 2018 pretty memorable to say the least.
This Rum is distilled and aged at Foursquare Distillery which is modestly tucked away in Barbados but is yet renowned for producing some of the biggest names in rum that are enjoyed all over the world. It is located within a former sugarcane plantation and originally dates back to 1737 – they’re really good with Rum.
The Neptune Rum blend is actually totally unique and it was certainly not created in a hurry. After about 12 months of working with flavours, the creators Richard Davies and James Molloy took their product across to Barbados where it really began to blossom. Now, Foursquare produces roughly 2,500 bottles of Neptune every three months, ageing it in American bourbon oak casks before its bottled up for us back here in the UK.
It’s got that smoothness to it that warms you on its way down and puts a smirk on your face because you know its dangerously good. It’s also got those homely, sweet vanilla notes and creamy, fluffy pastry flavours and a kick of warm spice like the cinnamon to an apple pie.
So, if this Rum hasn’t wowed you enough already, wait until you try it and make sure when you do, you try it with a Fever Tree Ginger Ale or their Spiced Orange Ginger Ale because we can guarantee it will not disappoint the taste buds one bit.
Get your bottle of Neptune with a free Ginger Ale and a free Spiced Orange Ginger Ale here